Separate names with a comma.
Well, considering each is roughly an hour and a quarter (and include TONS of different scenes, SPFX makeup, etc), I'm not quite surprised by how...
Unfortunately, it used to be decent. Recently it's broken down into the ****-storm you see now.
3 Seasons, three episodes apiece, excluding the third season which only has one. It's loosely based off of Arthur Conan Doyle's series of books....
sherlock airs in 30 minutes i rePEAT SHERLOCK AIRS IN 30 MINUTES!!!
Sherlock is premiering in like 15 hours omg I've waited like 2 years.
Indeed it does.
My posts aren't even making sense to me at this point. Frick.
His references Capaldi. Well, here is either an example of Moffat being an arse and not holding together a decent plot (since there are a...
Well, in 'The Day Of The Doctor' you see a shot of his eyes and eyebrows, which look to be pretty bushy. Also, Capaldi naturally has those...
No, stated fact in one of the Classic episodes.
They say the Doctor regenerates what he needs most. Matt Smith (in the newest episode) pulled off a wig and had no eyebrows, then stated his...
nO STOP THIS IS NOT OK my brother lost his **** when 11 regenerated "I've got new kidneys... I don't like the color!"
Jingle bells, Sherlock fell, Cas let go of Dean, Eleven died, Whovians cried, Screw you BBC! (A holiday carol)
Merry Christmas and a pint of eggnog to all you lovely Cafégoers today!
Oh hey, Cheese. Long time no see, eh?
Hey guys. Just a general update on my well-being. Some rather substantial stuff happened, and I'd rather not talk about it here (at risk of...
whoa where have I been I am so out of everything oh wait I was in the hospital .-. Yes hello another suicide attempt miserably failed. :\
I've been sitting on my ass supposed to be doing schoolwork my school sent me but instead I'm on Tumblr and KaW. Wow productive. Also 8 days clean...
...Well then. Also, I have an announcement to make. I'm writing a creative exercise thing that's a sort of choose-your-own adventure journey. Who...
I'm happy because we get to kill some irritatingly annoying teenage males. :twisted: