Separate names with a comma. mods can necrobumb something like an old event eb forum to prove a point but the average player cannot bump a thread that was...
Riiiight, thats why you don't have fortitude enough to create your own thread but have to drag along on everyone's coat tails. You're like a...
Well, since we had a hiccup in the last thread (a biased mod locked it for necrobumping) here is a brand new shiny thread that is specifically...
Tzshifter you're about worthless and your breath stinks, I'd rather see roni's post!
Ban knives, problem solved!
Actually isis was created out of the devistated movement Osama Binladin created to get them out of occupation from Brition, study your history nimrod!
I propose a question, how does a people overthrow a tyrant that keeps it's people disenfranchised and forced into bondage unless those people have...
A firearm is an inanimate object, it takes an animated being with a thought to make it function. People that have the desire to kill will kill,...
Wow! Thank you Ahdragos for sharing this very sad and personal moment, Jester sounds like the person I personally would want to know, his...
Timers are to help combat those using certain types of script on pc.
Go to mage, the bar right under aqua/inferno count and swipe
The problem isn't with people flaming a topic, we've opened several topics and asked for it to be flamed and kept unlocked. The problem is in the...
Maybe a solid reward for a chance at a new pad! I haven't warred yet but if there was a chance to win a pad I'd surely try, give us a...
^^^^^Someone has been huffing to much gass!
If you really want to do something constructive dismantle acrap and maybe try to revive clan wars!
Maybe so as an individual but by those you support and knowing their tactics by default it makes you just as responsible therefore you are just...
Look in the mirror player, as I stated befor, Acrap is the biggest reason people are leaving this game! Close this joke of a thread.
Lmao Acrap is the biggest reason everyone is quitting!
There is no such thing as a "friend" there are brothers and sisters and then there are associates!