Separate names with a comma. ”If you ain’t First.. You’re Last!” Welcome charm traders, connoisseur collectors, rip off...
*Rigously taking notes.. Ok ok.. here’s a few updates on some of my fav “interiors” in fictional places.. 1 - “The Narrator”’s IKEA apartment...
Ummm.. Sure!
What color are the stains?.. I wanna make sure they go together with my carpet
Friendship is Magic!
Well well well... Now that the devs have turned this into an interior decoration game... I might as well point out some awesome ideas for ur...
....Continuing on! Tree EB’s : Chocolate Fountain!!!... Chocolate is a Kaw legend who helps countless KaW players with...
Allow me to illustrate this point.. Here’s how you DO the exchange ....and here’s how you DON’T ...
Let’s mesh up x_x and poo_ ideas! Here’s a few well known “social systems” and how the idea would be implemented within those systems for the...
Re: We are wobbling Can we get the moon to spin too? I mean.. I wanna know what’s going on on the other side.. is there a secret Democrats for...
4 icetails big
You know! Devs used to run Kaw fan art for the Halloween and there were awesome entries.. and the winners got prizes and stuff.. Just sayin..
You know!.. long time ago.. devs uses to run a forum thread to let people suggest names for the new equipment and the winner get prizes and the...
Meow meow meow.. I remember him as a great stripper in his time..
American!!!! *Imperial death march plays...
Is that from.. The Hunger Games!!? Ok ok.. I know in this AI assisted days of “Let...
But.. but.. we exchanged rings to cement our undying love! After all, we both have Ash in our names!