Separate names with a comma.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! One question grant, why are those accounts at risk for ban, for merely playing the game as it is set by you...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Grant, you need to talk to your new game designers before stuff like this rolls out. Clearly you, nor the new...
Yeah, due to naughty modding in the past. Moderators are only able to clean,lock and move threads/posts elsewhere. Deleting them entirely is only...
As long as the threads breach TOU/ROC it's acceptable to remove them. However, if it's just strong criticism there is no reason for them to be...
There is about 25,000 players in this community as of now. Formerly, there were about only 400 people BC prior. You tell me if this expansion...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Support.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Bro, I haven't even unloaded in 6 months. Go ask kotfe. Swing and a miss mate, nice try though. Hell, you...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Night, it doesn't change the fact that for most - this game requires an annual subscription of at least 1k-2usd...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Word, they didn't make new lands because of bigs getting stripped - they did it for profit bro. They need cash...
Expansions are normal in a games life, but this soon, not even after a year since the previous isn't really a good sign.
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! I applaud the new ATA management team, for absolutely ruining an iconic iPhone app. The level of greed has never...
Congratulations on 7 years man, shame the thumbnail on the achievement, nor the stats aren't a surprise. Regardless, here's to another year.
Now that's off topic. We all love the game don't you know? Clearly, some more then others. As a professional courtesy, i will leave the thread....
Embrace the strong criticism invisible mod. There is a clear distinction between censor vs. censure. Don't be a neophyte. ;) Fact remains...
Years ago, they honesty should of renamed this game, to Kingdoms of EB. While huge strips are impressive, anybody whose stripped can recover a few...
Success is not dependent on monetization. They've invested too many resources for this greenlit project. That directly hurts this game. Grant is...
It's called chunky wars, was announced here in a locked thread by Grant newb last fall. This community basically funded it. Given the constant...
They are satisfied with how the current game is. Every previous new expansion, they've decided to include a price cut to previous tiers to bridge...
Agreed. This game has too many outdated features compared to modern games. It's a pity most good suggestions on this forum are given the cold...
#Lame bro