Separate names with a comma.
I have had several work. More were successful at the beginning than now, but they worked.
*** Reserved for adding successful nob offers *** 1: JCP 25% off coupon for entering phone number and responding to the text with the wors fun-...
We have all had mixed reviews about the nob offers in the Oracle. Some people say they work. Some people say they don't. Let's attempt to come...
Lol glad someone said something about quoting the whole thread.
Lol so do I have to download Twitter then? Because you aren't really giving any away on your Facebook anymore.
Lol. We can farm who we wanna. Why knock us for playing the Game how we like?
How did someone get nearly 300 items from destroyer ? Every time I hit it I get less than 80, even when I hit all 4 phases including items.
Lies. I'm a lady
There's no proof he was actually a mole
I vaguely remember you lol
I can only call what I see. No, I don't know what's said in PM. I wasn't here for whatever drama Purple started with your friends. But I DO see a...
Lol I disagree with you so suddenly I'm bandwagoning. Trust me I'm not a huge fan of purple either. I just think that it shouldn't be that hard to...
@Cheese I can say I always get a chuckle when I see you post XBOX 360 looking for war
Lol ya know I lurk in forums a lot and I don't ever see this behavior you're complaining about. What I do see is you constantly peeing all over...
You say you don't care but it certainly sounds like you do. Be careful purple. I was super addicted to this game when I first started. Then I let...
Lol. I don't own a single designer or fake designer purse. I don't even carry a purse. Soooo. Way to generalize.
Not a complete guide if it doesn't include possible builds.
Anima furia supports clan loyalty as far as staying in the same clan for the whole season.