Separate names with a comma.
Who's Ashes, never heard of him.
It's a shame. Forums were once a place of gladiator-esc fights, with words. They usually spilled INTO the actual game and created more drama/fun....
You'll be back, we allllllwwwwwwaaaaaaays come back.
Probability of what? Right now, we are the only living things in this universe, AS TO OUR CURRENT KNOWLEDGE... Speak for yourself, not other...
Prove it. I like how YOU think you are smarter than the people against evolution and what they talk about. What did you get your degree in? All...
That's the dumbest comparison you could have given. Why? Because I can go ask those people what foods they liked and what their list would be. We...
Sigh. It's like arguing with play doh. No matter your "likely hood", "sheer volume of planets" etc etc, there is no evidence of life outside of...
I stopped reading after "likely hood". Still no evidence for other life. How can you say "likely hood", if, we are the only LIFE we have evidence for?
Sounds like a Lawrence Krakpot theory. Let me guess, the universe was made from nothing, but nothing is something?
Nope the universe is steadily expanding. That is NOT a theory. That is fact.
What do you mean the universe is infinite? It's not static, it's growing... there was a beginning...
0% chance?? Says whooo?? Do you have ANY evidence for that claim??
It's amazing that people still tote the notion that other life is inevitable, yet we are the only life we have proof of... I'm not saying there...
Taking the Stick man's name in vain? How dareth you...
The Drake equation states that: where: N is the number of civilizations in our galaxy with which we might hope to be able to communicate and: R*...
Quotes off the internet LOL do you even understand what it says? As more parameters are set into place to have life like ours, we see less and...
Statistically Impossible? Says who? According to what math? 60 years ago there was only a few parameters for life to exist. As we study OUR planet...
I suppose. But if I'm a noob, researching this event, I might just think I'll get these numbers from the EBs.
How can you say EBS drop specific amounts of tablets but its based on actions/size etc??
Yup, that's purple.