Separate names with a comma.
CoD doesn't count as an MOBA, except for those weird Firemission stuff in Blops 2 that had some MOBA elements.
And OMG... Only around 50 pages into The Maze Runner... Besides for the general plot, the movie is NOTHING like the books. Seriously. Watch/read...
You must join us in both body and soul. And yah... That GIF failed. By the way, PSAT's are this Wednesday. With a little studying I got a 181....
There's one near my house that's named "Don't walk through my back yard."
Though I'm wondering about what everyone is saying in response to this: "Don't give the modship to kids". "These kids will abuse their power". I...
I support this, but I believe that someone should be able to apply to the devs. The devs know as well who's in the forums, and how they act. If...
Email There's only a very small chance that posting in forums can help you.
Whenever I see one of those old threads come on, I'm always like this... Hope this works. And seriously, what's...
Bang, Bang, Bangity Bang, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang. How I Met Your Mother, Season 5, Episode 17
The main reason they failed us because the devs kept Fan Fiction out of AT, whether that's a good thing or not.
AJ... But this thread brings tears to my eyes. It has everyone in it. I remember those days, when Storallelite, iZaln, Utho, Cheesemuffin, Irin,...
Support. Loved my old CoS buds.
You gotta be ******* kidding me! There should have been a warning that it's nearly over! I only have 44... I need the achievement...
Yup the people that EE want the best of the best which includes whining to get the best of the best. It's a skill all EE'ers learn. Especially SH...
Support. Some of these ideas are great, some not so much. But either way it would be great to see these implemented, especially the ones about...
Game of Thrones
In the 5,000 or so quests I've done, I've gotten around 87 nobs... And one xtal.
Let's see... Will this work? And OP, seriously, ask for a lock. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile
Check on a pc.
I think that I have enough posts to not need to "post spam" to get on the LB.