Separate names with a comma.
Luke sniffed her palm then turns and goes outside.
Luke comes back into the room and lays downs.
Luke walks in and goes to the sink. Great another stupid human object. Climbing up he turned on the cold water. Glad I learned how to do that a...
Did he read my mind? Ok pull the handle. Luke bit the handle and pulled down opening the door.
"what are these stupid things they call doors? How do you open them? there starting to annoy me." Luke thinks to himself.
Luke goes over to the kitchen door.
Luke looks around the café looking for something.
We already made it nuke proof
Out Lol true but I still think u need a reason to fight right? In Luke's ears shoot up as he's listens to David play.
Out Cheese you know u just called yourself an idiot right?
Luke growls as riddle leaves but stays put.
Out Ya idiots come here and starts fights for no reason.
"ok I'm leaving now later. Take care of Luke and if he bites you ummm your problem!"
"oh thanks"
"reg can you fix the café?"
"what the hell? You two just met and your already trying to kill eachother!"riddle says angrily.
"Luke give him the puppy dog eyes."
Luke already had the it on the ground by the time it left cheeses hand. Luke turns with a a evil glare.
"thanks...but first can you please not fight if you do I'll make Luke give you the puppy dog eyes." riddle says.
"I need to go for a little bit. Is it ok if Luke stays here for a little bit?" riddle asks everyone.