Separate names with a comma.
I sigh, once again feeling the anger surges and I grip my hands into fists, attempting to ignore it as I look at the full moon.
.... O,o
"This is my Sanctuary..." I mutter as I end the Song AS I reach the top of the tree, rubbing my shoulder.
Nice Hulk. ^^;
Feather. Why did you close Proper RolePlay????!!!!
I sit in the forest and begins to sing as I start to climb the tallest tree.
I look around, and climbs onto the edge of the ship, then jumps off. Unaware of what is under me, I begin to murmur a song as I take the long...
I release his throat and turns back to the edge of the ship, my hands curled into fists.
I turn, my hand gripping his throat and my eyes are glazed with anger and coldness. "Never. Ever. Ever touch me!" I snarl at the Elf.
I ignore him, lost in thoughts.
:'D ok.
No. I'm on Smighter's ship.
^^; I'm a ShapeShifter.
I get out of bed, slowly walking to the edge of the ship and wonders how fat down it Is. Dark: Wait. Let him get closet to you, when he is, kill...
I'm on the darker side. My mind usually makes a better choice than the good thoughts, as you can see XD XD
"You can't control it Elf. It comes unexpectedly." (posting before school)