Separate names with a comma.
Hello! Looking back at the Ideas forum, I saw numerous requests for more or better quests. Need more quests. Maybe some spy quests. Sorry for...
I love Queen. Bohemian Rhapsody is my favorite.
This. We have no advetising, and what's a game without a busty spokesperson?
Hmm... Forums say posted at 10:03 AM... Either forums lie to me or you lie to me...
Your not-so-number-1-friend will miss you... Knid of, I guess...
To solve this problem, maybe for each war you win you get a minuscule stat boost. Naturally, these would carry over from previous wars before the...
Um actually... (Let me put on my nerd hat) There have been mentions of objects that 'improve the sight' before even the fall of the Roman Empire...
Looking forward to PBP this month! Thanks for the updates!
@HATE Get off the thread. This goes out to the others as well. Do not post again.
Frog, Frog, Frog. Why would you post that thread telling people not to quote OP? Now every thread has dozens of quotes! Those of us who wish to...
Well... I don't see how we can help ya there dude... Sorry?
Um there are like, 20 other of these. It can be considered post count farming and does not benefit our forums. If you'd like to contribute to the...
I think in the first page you should have to hit the bosses along with a special item or bonus. Maybe make their attack/assass bar a little weaker...
This is why I have a love/hate relationship with kaw.
Where else would I do it? You've blocked me, so not on your wall, I can't pm you... would you prefer I create a new thread completely focusing on...
TO DERN SURE: I know this isn't the place to say this, but I am not bullying you by hitting you. You posting on my wall about how I'm a bully just...
Is there any way to create an alt on the same device? (For the ally trading thingamadoohicker)