Separate names with a comma.
Can i wall you even though i don't own a pair of nuts nor a banana. And are You talking about people who are wider than they are tall?
See. The issue is we see the document as illogical. You come off as narcissistic. I don't really have much of a point so *derp*
Yall forget that flash wont exist in a few years. If they phase out pc based users now, there won't be a massive outcry when people can no longer...
Yeah. I like bein slapped around by a Big lightning throwing dude. Its like Zues is daddy
TBT to my like 300k visit/view thread (or was it 400k?) To be fair 292 of them were from me, as i had to keep editing it I would say that that...
What are you smoking. Either give everyone else some, or take some atypical antipsychotics to break your pyschosis
Lettuce request a lock! We are gathering data, regardless, to be KAW's number one "Diagnosticians"
I feel as though you are delusional. Either that or you are narcissitic. Alot of your arguements seem of or pertain to delusions. But back to the...
? Its nearing the end of the semester. I need to get my projects/papers/tests done and in order. I don't know about you, but i find straight A's...
If you want to be all technical and such, the question would be rephrased as, "Is english even your native language". And also, by technicality,...
No. Nolo contendere. Me. I value life. The only way they truely learn is in the field. Knowledge is great and all, but application of knowledge...
Are you by any means related to or using anything related to sovereign citizens? Answer please :) I have an actual question aswell. Are you...
You forgot the biggest Meme.
You could always fire shots at people like the police do
Bump for the no reason spam
Foxtrot inbound, approaching Bravo, and heading to Charlie. Foxtrot shot down near Echo. Echo, Foxtrot2 inbound at coordinates 34.8021° N,...
Can you trade me your furnishings and equip? Ill hold it for you too (if you don't want it) Enjoy your vacation
Add a suptis to your list. I am my own species.