Separate names with a comma.
How long until the devs respond to my email for reporting you? (the second email total, remember the first one?)
The second star checked his watch and ran out the door. "Cheese tracker." The real star said, not looking enthusiastic to explain more.
"I missed." He smiled, and started to laugh. "Let me show you why I don't need magic to win." He took a step forwards. Adding to the confusion,...
Actually, I have emailed the devs already. You would think he would learn several weeks ago when I sent one about him and they did something.
Star didn't seem enthusiastic either. He decided to fight. He equiped extra large ammo clips, and would fire at cheese until his guns almost broke.
Spam refers mainly to rapid posting. (eg your posting) third party means something not related to you or KaW.
And what in the world is fweep? If you're going to make an alliance, at least explain it.
I'm getting tired of your stupidity and noobiness. All you do is bump old threads, spam excessivly, and annoying anyone every time you post! Just...
We never stated you can't. Only that you shouldn't. Join M'Rania RP! Create the future!
Star mentions it's already pushed down and if it releases everything within a radius of the cafe would be destroyed and become inhabitable.
Star released the button carefully. It held. "No nuclear explosion here then." He said, then fell to the floor in exhaustion. -out- That was...
Sorry to interrupt your fun, but I have found Something to bring to your attentions. This violates 2 sections of the ToU. 1. Spamming: It is...
Stop your idiocy already! xth Strike. Don't earn another.
So most of it was flashbacks? How long did it take to get them all?
-out- I think I know what you mean. Imagine getting a mid-term report and dropping over 10% in a few weeks for one subject. -in- Star hoped his...
"You can never be underprepared." He told the stranger. He was overprepared though, and was tiredly trying to removed his finger without nuking...
Star eyed the man suspiciously and fingered one of his weapons. His other hands was still preventing nuclear warfare. -Out- I'm so glad. I...
-out- I need some opinions. I'm still using KaW v1.15. I got 23 updates and my iTunes are messed up so I can either update all or none. Should I...
"Forgot to mentoin the spring load didn't I? I release the button, the strike fires anyway." He didn't seem too enthusiastic.
All those only appeared to work. Star flickered for a moment before the hologram shut off.