Separate names with a comma.
Perfect, just please be prepared to extend it too 16 teams, this isn't as and is available to 3x more total active participants.
Imagine being so pathetic you log in regularly on a game you think is dying too be a idiot troll on a even more dead fourm section . Someone...
Everyone in the top 500 has double the last event tier of items. It's not even halfway through the event, we need something for these players to...
Keep saying that while you losers are buying cords for your wireless headphones And selling the homebutton
@ata I only had 30-70 bowls until after I started the side quest, can We be given an option to do all
So you are trying to point out a non-existent grammatical error (since its a saying) All you need is the account The knowledge , and xtals are...
You think pvp is having multiple accounts hiding in different clans and not using your account from pin. It's the exact opposite, one account,...
Thank you Winston and ATA
Sounds like you dont really know how to pvp, being pinned is not a " ill just eb on my alt" issue its a "I should xtal and return inc " non-issue
You're very bad at trying to mole . Maybe dont pick an ex wdgaf clan to "hide " in when you ask for helping fighting apoc and wdgaf .
Stateless alt, your opinion means nothing, as far as we all know you haven't even hit an eb before, let alone admin a premium clan.
Limit of 2/3 premium ebs in clan per 24 hours
The alt and the main would stil be open to 3 other players, some people have alts the same size but very very few have alts close to the size of...
Great idea ill include a trading lock once you cast your "mark"
the fatal fiveway free-for all Battle time: 3-6 hours Objective: get choice of attack and assassin wins for a large ammount of rewards or total...
Honestly I feel like its time NK got the same kind of strength boost hte got in 2015~
Are you sure you are the one who brought your troops below 20%? Which step didnt work?
Have you even signed up for this event? You can xtal at 0/21 and not be slain as long as you did the attack that puts your attack bar before 20%...
Was there anything i missed? Do you have a better strategy? Discuss below
Here is the basics you need to know to succeed at the pvp event if you are a hunter - cast hunter spell - spam the battle list refresh for a...