Separate names with a comma.
When political views are offensive too you like the f-bomb you need too evaluate your own and probably change them I bet you're a conservative
Id support a variations of that where there are two seperate equip sets one that applies too all attacks , one that applies to all defenses
As long as you're fine with a good portion of 1.5 billion climate refugees from some of the poorest parts of the world coming too your country aswell.
The world is not infinite therefore we cannot consume resources unsustainably infidently, it is denied by a certain political side but consumerism...
1. You really think it's not well known you own domo, seven and most likely tz, 2. I was half-joking, you are all just a little NPC with your...
Nate you took the direct income tax for Americans at under 34k/yr and compared it to canadians making over 41k/yr including sales tax , property...
I dont have too when socialism in my country has made yours 3rd world in comparison.
Answer my question, You know someone has no life when they send their 4 alts to have a conversation on your thread
Capitalism is fighting for scraps, every bite extra you take causes someone else to starve, those who are on the top standing on the backs of...
Conservative: you are given 1/2 cup a day after milking the cows for 8 hours, never earning enough to get your own cow while the farmer throws...
The only reason capitalism didnt fall long ago is because of slave labour in other countries providing cheap products
What did Sean ever do but write thoughtful , detailed and extremely kind posts? Please get off my thread
Thank you Sean, the devs have been giving out many xtals, maybe the nobs are too much but 2 xtals if you spend 1 and do other things seems rational
If they give out 2, using 1 is no issue right? Also I meant to say charm once Good point, maybe "write a meaningful reply to a thread" would be...
You bypass several times while complaining about being unfairly banned, oh the irony
Do you not understand the difference between players and accounts?.
There are atleast 15k active players, less that 1% is active on fourms, that can change.
Re: idea: Make fourms great again (daily quest) Fixed ty
I'm going to keep this short and sweet Forums are dead and daily activity for most players (fairies) is not a must after they reach their event...