Separate names with a comma.
It's okay
Very greatful for their help though.
lol that wasn't BH. Although they did help. ️
A little statless alt... his butthurt meter is wayyyy over the normal limit
White cop kills black person... Media blows it out of proportion and everyone gets mad and riots Black cop kills white person... Nobody hears...
You obviously haven't had a real surgery. I had 3 in 5 months last year. Appendectomy and I had to have 3 tumors taken out of my neck. ( 2...
I'm tired of all y'all HFBC players complaining about not having enough land. Look at the mids and smalls. We don't complain do we? Y'all need to...
Just let the noobs do what they want! Jeez never thought id actually read about this "issue". Let them play how they wanna play.
I nominate dakoochiemonster He has always been my side and will always back me up when there's a fight or something going on. I met him when I...
Hm. So many people to choose from. I have 2 on my mind but I'll go with the one that I met when I first started. I nominate Konsimity. He has...
I apologize to moonmoon for being rude. Didn't know English was your 2nd language. It was just a joke sorry for offending everyone I offended ️
What is this 100 people roaster you speak of? Do you cook people and eat them?!?
Know how to entertain a blonde? Stick her in a circle and tell her to find a corner. #joke 1
They have what items go with what eb's on the interwebz?
Wow... I don't even know what to say...
No. No support at all.
Person who hired me out wanted one
Tinkerbell. I cleared my wall like 4 hours ago. He was actually on my wall for hiring an ally during our OSW that we were in. Yeah WDGAF vs RCA...