Separate names with a comma.
Re: Mithril - The Complete Guide [V2.0] Whoa, complex pic *brain overloads* Dada, muma
Re: Mithril - The Complete Guide [V2.0] :o :D 8-) Lol thanks Scakk
Re: Mithril - The Complete Guide [V2.0] :)
Re: Mithril - The Complete Guide [V2.0] Bump for thread uses.
War avs, Higher comb stats, more troops.
I used to be hansel. Here's a rough step by step guide to growing a hansel. Step #1: You need to take down all your troops buildings. Now by 5,...
Re: Potions For Dummies (COMPLETE) Harsh lol
Re: Potions For Dummies (INCOMPLETE) Exactly... But sadly he fiddle his way out of trouble by saying 'Ive been working on this for days! I...
Or, to make sure everyone can see it, just ask Wulf to add this to his guide and take credit, seems legit.
Re: Potions For Dummies (INCOMPLETE) *comp
Re: Potions For Dummies (INCOMPLETE) Now watch Wulf come read this, sit at the conp for 6 hours and write a full version of this and sticky it! :lol:
Can we equip pro pack items?
No, just no :/ facepalm
I'm not sure whether this is sarcasm or a prank. [rhetorical question]
Melissa just sticky it already!
Re: PostQuestionsHere All buildings
Re: PostQuestionsHere Gold reward is 500m.
Re: PostQuestionsHere And you lose all your Mithril
Re: Mithril - The Complete Guide [V2.0] Thanks Derek :)
When I was a Hansel, I found the Awakening quite good, but best one is easily To The Chamber.