Separate names with a comma.
Omfg if Vix is scared, Im so scared tooo!!!!
Reading this cracks me up lol
Great ideas overall, would like to see some or all of them implemented. Woulda been interesting!
McCain My chicken crashed an insect net
Summer Sometimes Ugly Man Marry Exotic Rappers Broken
Whatever happened to Charles? It was hillarious when he was on CA hahah.. I think OP wants the attention and probably wanted some justification...
Its so funny, keep it up its entertaining.. Btw - how can he farm destructive.. Like.. The stats range difference is quite huge..
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Oh.. Also, The reward sucks, its useless in primal wars and its basically useless when you're in indi wars and...
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Oh dont forget you carry the burden of having a stupid build, a stupid person, or a stupid build person...
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials Why only 1 medal for individual wars? Dont you realize its actually HARDER to do individual wars? Sometimes we...
There are some pros and cons on this thread and everyone has a fair share of their opinions, and I do have some too - while I am not exactly on...
And you wanted to know because you dont have an account in those two games? Why? I mean I dont have an account in those two games and I dont even...
Its ok Willy, we all get hungry eventually! Hahaha
I always find it amusing the amount of people who posts and talks "facts" and "morals" and etc are those who are not involved in the war. I mean...
The time spent doing all the wars on the season's course would probably gain you almost 1 T if you do ebs instead of warring LOL. I propose...
Agree - Im tired of the HTE eb.. Just do it as a special events thing..
Minoen Mellowdy Oreo1 Oreo2
QueenWongy SashimiKing SushiQueen
Laode Devilolo Waalaaalaaap Jp25