Separate names with a comma.
Op steal 5/5...hte told me to do it :lol: :lol:
:shock: :lol: :lol:
we have sent soldiers to die in most parts of the world that will never end whether you like it or not get use to reality Iran is not our friend...
Dont forget to vote for dragon 2016 he will follow his fathers footsteps in the white house. #Dragon2016 He knows all of history after all he...
all i understood was im a fake american, we owe all nations something because we stuck our nose in their business im for the down fall of america...
Dragon must be barry
Look at the first 2 pages please
While berry was in nuclear talks with irans pm they made a mock U.S carrier and bombed it what more needs to be said?
The french have got their butts kicked in almost every war... Even by Mexico and Mexico hardly has an army :lol:
Thats what i was thinking :lol:
Admit that... the dress was blue and black not white and gold Ironman is better than superman Sprite over coke Cowboys are the best Golf is...
That is cause we have many democrats disguised as republicans their thoughts never change just the letter D is dropped and turned into the letter R
Well you cant put one group on blast without looking at the others previous acts it is like how many people still bush over everything... Bush...
im right wing too but you are sadly right no leadership what so ever.
and you a blind eye liberal with out a brain fair enough?
Why not? You pointed out that the letter sent out by republicans borderline treason... Why not bring up democratic events that were also...
1983 democratic senator Teddy Kennedy sent an emissary to soviet russia to undermine reagans foreign policy. KGB Victor Chebrikov released a memo...
Daammmnn redstar took 1st place :lol:
simple Obama is a muslim lover and jew hater.