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Triple support
Can we get an event that isn't pay to win? I like the idea tho :D
no support its from a zaftie
the "hook thing" looks like an awesome peice of eq :D
thats not the point very few can hit them since they spent so much and hitting my own size is bullying i hit bigger then me.
that's why hoppin over is limited to one or 2 times their growth is still slowed by the non hte which gives others a chance to grow to their size
try to attack cella red or sylph thats fair? also growth is sped up so much with seals and such you can get hfbc in a week or 2 ive seen it.
the paying players will stay on the regular server and new/ free players will stay on f2p server if other games can.make hundreds of other servers...
it has logic you just fail to see it and if u stopped posting devs wont because it costs money there would be more support i already have 1
helpful suggestions are what im looking for not people just saying useless because devs have to spend money if its helpful idc if u dont like it...
thats a personal thought some want to actually play a fair game and get top 500,100,10 in events but cant because of the paying feature it
devs will care once KaW starts goin downhill see the idea from my point not the devs...
if you guys dont like the idea stay off the thread
its not getting rid of in game purchases im sure all the money grubs will still spend money and not all will move to the free server..
yeah imma pay for it myself... donations are from seals/crystals/nobs that should be enough considering its real money for fake items its no loss...
you guys are thinking about the money when the p2w server will make that money up its should be about more players
freeloaders? it seperates p2w players and ones who try without $ for an even.chance at lb and people quit because of p2w players making a non paid...