Separate names with a comma.
There is always my clannie D-A. I also like Asthma, he's quite smart. Lots of good trackers. If you know how to track, you know how to...
Thread would be better with pics of hot Aussie chicks.
Fruity love in Kaw.
This. I won't go so far to say you're stupid, but the last thing I would say about spies is that they are "underpowered" in this game.
Another pic for my wonderful fans.
Don't knock the towers. Not many can successfully build a build like this. They lack the patience. ... For my fans. I'm voting for Val. Undoubtedly the smartest player, and every hansel in...
This seems like the best thing. Sue the company for all they got after sucking it up for 9 mo.
Vote DOA volleyball. Definitely.
Agreed. Can't a mod ban idiots like Astonrocks? Is it really that hard to control these morons?
Important point, Kaw admin. Please don't throw us Asians/Aussies out to pasture.
Okay. I stand corrected. Didn't quite understand it all at first.
Could be. Drake is an amazing rapper.
300 tokens for EE is an insult. Show you care about war, you ATA hosers. Bump it up to 1000 tokens a war.
Wow. A promo but no season 6. Why am I not surprised? Edit: I jumped the gun on this one. Appears there is an EE element. Looking forward to...
Obsession? A dude can't talk about music? Also hosers are from Canada. Yanks are American.
It's spelled "losing". No such word as loosing
Canadians: Suck at hockey but rocking the Billboards top 100. Go figure. [img]
Okay this problem is keeping me awake tonight. Someone please answer this and help me. Why is Hoser music so popular in the states? Adele is...
Yeah that is a good one. Lol