Separate names with a comma.
Happy New Year Mal! Opt into the Pvp event. You'd make a great steal target
Thanks Kill. See you on the battlefield.
Okay. You responded. Goodbye.
Blah blah blah! Whine whine whine. Pretend like I know everything about some random guy on the net. Incoming? Of course, not. Only a man would...
Lol Anarchy took the typical noob response in assuming that everyone who has a build bigger than him is some loser noob with no life. I'll...
As for me refering to myself as a "3-time all star", I do it because, 1) sorry to say, I AM a three time all-star And 2) I take secret...
Sorry if it comes out that way. How about "go hit your pin targets and leave this thread in peace"?
Reread it please. I did not say "fairy". Let's not put words into each other's mouths.
@Cow No, posting with alt builds that take about a week to make is what makes them noobs. Nobody forced you to read the thread so why bother...
Thanks Drake. I expected a few failed noobs to crap their pants after seeing my name on a thread. Haters often hate for no reason. Not like he...
I'll scan the LB for you.
Thanks Wendy and Skinny. Skinny has really changed for the better. Hard to believe this is the same skinny from 2013. Have to admit I am...
Little nooby builds probably don't know much about ASW. It's like asking a two year old to give their opinion on foreign policy.
@saberwulf I don't want to be trash talking any clan here, but let's not go around making excuses or saying one inactive was the reason you guys...
Cheese subscribes to the Archie comics stereotypes where all jocks are dumb losers and nerds are brainy with a heart of gold. Truth is nerds...
Bragging about a six figure income? Pretty lame. Also lame you had to wait until finishing college to get any action.
@ Chinese Of course I would have. Lol happy new year to all ASW vets.
Lol gotta love Chubby's jelly What did you do this year besides being stripped a dozen time? ( twice by me)
People dedicate lots of time to many things that are not tech-related. I'm a light drinker and don't gamble or overeat. Don't see how gaming is...