Separate names with a comma.
Full support. Have mentioned this myself to the apes. You pay for an hour you should get an hour. Pause the BC timer when an eb ends and...
Gotta say, I always enjoy your threads Kas. Support
So.. It IS possible to get it on the first try, just not for you. Maybe the devs and their ignorant designs are conspiring against you? Or...
But you're more than welcome to have a thread in this sewer when there's something you need to whine and cry about.. K. :)
Yeah, cuz that'll make them want to stay. :roll:
So if I wanted to book some unlocks all the way up to FoD would that be possible?
Kinda support. I don't agree with the guest aspect of your post though. It doesn't matter what clan I visit or why, if they have someone in CA...
^ 2nd post but has to quote the entire op. At what point is someone going to open this thread and wonder who you're responding to? Kinda...
Is that why I felt compelled to get a cat?
Re: New premium content proposal I can dig it. I have a few buildings atm that I'm looking back on thinking "why the **** did I build that?" Or...
I'm a Captain and I can't see any join requests.
For everyone no longer seeing the pieces in their inventory, check the marketplace item instead. They should have been converted from the...
Support. Tbh HTE simply isn't cutting it anymore.
K. /lock And next time, use world chat.
Don't speak for me.
Needs pictures. How the hell am I supposed to know what the thread is about if there's no god damned pictures?
The free nobs thing is garbage. Started out alright. Earned 90 nobs in a few short minutes, but I decided to try it out again the other day, and...