Separate names with a comma.
Fat ass woofer
Nah nah nah jewels bro. That's like... A whole other level above tablets...
But on a serious note... When can I get an event helm? I'm currently a walking KaW History museum wearing this ancient thing. There's spider webs...
Let them eat cake
There are wolves and sheep in KaW. Not a hard concept to grasp.
Wolf pack
No one watch GATTACA?!
In the USA you go to jail for having some weed on you and get thrown in the pit of hell in the middle of some stupid war you want no part of and...
In b4 Butthurt naysayers who can't read my banner
This thread isn't pretty good. I'm more pretty good than all those nubs I also think I'm the only player to help get a word removed from the...
Meh. Incentivized PvP was already one of the worst things to happen to KaW. Putting systems and rewards into every aspect of the game is counter...
Both of mine are gone. Devs didn't like that 900b UG everyday stint I guess. The KaW Overlord is rising
"People should get educated so they don't work low skill jobs" "But if everyone has a degree a degree will be worthless" Make up your mind
"Free stuff". Aka using taxes already there to instead of pay for more endless wars over seas pay for things that will improve the country's...
Yeah because racism only popped up during the Obama presidency
Bernie is overlooking struggling white people? Really? He is fighting for living wages FOR ALL. Affordable healthcare FOR ALL. Affordable higher...
It matters because CONTEXT MATTERS. Jesus.
White people dont know systematic oppression. Ghettos are part of that systematic oppression and a direct result of the remnants of segregation