Separate names with a comma.
Moles. It's an osw thing, u won't know. U cry too much to miss ur kaw life storieshad no idea who u were until I saw the whining u unleashed on...
Scouting ur ass lmao Adding some real offensive actions to those eb sts she 'inherited'
Ew don't send me kisses, everyone knows where ur mouth been.. In 2012 my lb bank was on Zaft's ca. Zaft was at peace. But ebs were more important...
Lol u wish..u were more preoccupied with drama, to the point of being hated by ur own alliance. Yes, basically by everyone lol Did u get kicked?...
Obvious eb sts on that swindler 3 and not even her own work lol since when is it cool to show off stats u didn't acquire your self? Smh
Osw does not exclude trash talk. As a matter of fact, it used to be a major part of pvp, only in a classier manner. I don't remember seeing any...
lol that's a very close minded statement, to say the least
Touché. They still suck tho
All that on 4 percent??! Such a lion
Steve's a badass. Always was and always will be :P
U actually contradicted ur own closing statement by accusing RTZ without a solid proof lol
I also remember apoc started to ee with a bunch of those builds and people called their clan undefeated. Then we matched apoc, and I was the only...
No point now. Before tb mechs were fixed it was a good front liner for strip wars. My bank was one of those tower builds to show up in ee trails....
Towers don't make one effective really. Maybe in ee. In pvp however it's even otherwise. It weakens offensive part of ur build. One has to have...
In my opinion ally spell is what keeping osw somewhat alive at this point..
It wasn't just because of towers - haxor is just towers. TB was a good osw front liner due to build's dtw to stl mech. It's not all about ebs...
Yesss!! But..what u call a haxor build is just a nerfed version of original tower build aka reverse hansel. Laoda had it first at #1 alb on his...
No one accused me of being a catfish before lol I don't even know how to react to it tbh..guess I'll just take it as a compliment
So no ss huh? What a shocker..Im actually disappointed..I was hoping to finally be exposed :( it's even more disappointing than your whining and...
And that was all in wc with 'my' New York account?? Wow interesting..can't wait to see those ss