Separate names with a comma.
It's still early yet, MachineGun. There are terribly stubborn folks on either side.
We're holding up pretty well, lilg
Lol. Actually belle, I was gonna pm you yesterday. "So here we are again." As for AG, squirrel responded personally, and the situation has been...
Gotta love a good war. ;)
Lol. No one's whining. Just stating facts.
And it's "boy" that implies racism. Get your head right.
Don: newsfeed don't lie...SON
Anarchy: 31k wins, minimal losses, probate status at LR. At the time of that post. I was full, as I'm currently fighting, I can't be full 24/7...
Quite right, oli
Son. Wulf once suggested that spy-builds have a castle with a tiny troop count to counteract pwar. Don't believe everything he tells you.
No? So AG and LR just happened to stumble upon us? Lol. My newsfeed has more truth. What? I made a few comments about Regs founder and compared...
This is the nascient phase of war. You hit me, and I admit I got snuck. Don't think you've won in a day, and don't think I've even begun to... 4v1? And then? Lol. You're talking in circles already. "They're all Regs clans, so they're all regs." Really? Lol. Yes, Foxes are a...
As I've previously stated, it's 7v1 atm
No. I challenged no one, Jayde
Metal: next time, I'll clean you out alone instead of stopping, then. Belle: if you wish to fight Wulf's wars like Sun did, that is up to you
Belle: so LR just decided to war Foxes, when regs believed they could win straight up? Lol. Sorry Hun, I have trouble with that notion. Metal:...
Last inc nearly 20 mins ago
Apologies. Correction: *following the incedent in question, I made a wc comment to Wulf for which iReg hit me 22x. At which point I returned...
I could have cut him out early and easy, but I let him go with a warning. He persisted after more chest puffing, and Wulf was forced to lock a...