Separate names with a comma.
From my understanding, the Devs were somewhat aware of this for a good bit. I did nothing but go after an issue I've disliked for a while. Older...
I've been through this x100 and back
No, Mick, was arguing the one you summarily dismissed.
Mick: there are tons of builds dtw for tons of players, but no dtw/ots in sw.
What are you arguing?
Look at reality. Someone with full troops should never show DTW
Rudi: I'll show you 4m static spy def, 0 spies as an appetizer. You assn their troops when they show dtw for attack.
Regardless, the build itself allows the strategy metal mentioned, does it not? Spies do what they will whilst attackers remain untouchable to...
Again. I never said anyone was mad about losing. Anyone who knows me knows I'll take those as I give them. Getting troop KO by someone I've...
Yes, the old cut down a building, put up a new one, and be seen as dtw glitch. Not terribly different, Shol.
Arkst anarchy, please leave thread. You're contributing nothing to discussion. :)
Stop justifying war wins with "well, I make less". Nobody is arguing what you make, dude. If you're at 0 spies, you can't be touched but by what?...
Your argument doesn't make the build LESS of an exploit. It's still an Exploit. It is what it is.
And PollyAnna and 24dude were WITHIN the mechanics when they were stripped of 100,000 wins EACH at the time, Roland
Then options b and c still apply, DarkAce
Well said, Game.
I'd rather see them fix the mech issue, Mick
DarkAce-07: Devs created mechanics where tower farms created billions in gold for the community before and stripped them of 100k wins when they...
No double standards. No garbage. I've called myself out on my own transgressions to Devs and await their decision
E: I disagree, any build with full troops that shows up dtw is an exploit and deserves the same treatment as former Tower Farms who had their wins...