Separate names with a comma.
Second thought. I think I'll just spend my money elsewhere & drop all 3 accounts. This game isn't much fun any more. After 5 years of play, this...
Nice way to increase xtal spending. Except I have 2 alts, I play also. I will not be buying xtals for them anymore. In case you are having...
This event is one of the best events ata has had. Been in game 4 years and at last ata developers have got it so right. Didn't mind spending my...
Day 2 of new clan roles, has revealed that whoever set these roles up has obviously never been a clan admin. Maybe it would have been prudent if...
Being able to kick should be available to all admin positions. The way it is now,it requires 2 ppl to be available 24 hours a day, one to...
Not a good answer, sorry. Didn't realize this event is a free for all event.... Maybe I should opt out of KAW until after event & save my rl $ I...
Another pvp event, not completely thought thru by devs!!!!! What do you have planned for rest of us who do not enjoy pvp, osw or EE wars?
I was just attacked by one of your pvp ppl. I have not opted into pvp event. How are you going to prevent this from happening? He said I was the...
Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief This promo sux, only ppl getting any thing are devs. EXTREMELY RARE MEANS NOTTA AT ALL ... Gonna quit this...
Re: Spirit of War: Merry Mischief All the RL $ I spend on KAW, I open bundle
I thought I could purchase Lock picks
What is this nonsense opening crates to find crates? Spending 10 nobs to open
When u give farmers added strength in next few hours, what are your plans to keep the farmers in check
Cuz of this event
This event is pure BS It's not promoting PvP but giving farmers
Why are some players getting all aqua
Why is there such a big range in players getting aqua
New building UG This new bldg UG is a farce. How stupid do you Devs think us players are? Not another $.10 will I put into dev's pockets. This...