Separate names with a comma.
Hahaha looks at op build then laughs ....tank hansel isnt a exploit ... Build mechs is pretty easy for hybrid
Screw ur sh build! man up n grow SH SUCK elimanate round exploit wars
Mayweather is the reason boxing is dying! Stop the dam fairy clench
Hahaha not a chance
What he said is furbys clan owner has no balls and went to a " tower mech build cuz he was scurrred
Haha got tags taken away ?? Really actually ask around on how much im switched names And yeah i dropped allys 42t to be exact ..u mad bro?...
GOD DAM IT DEVS !!! You forgot me!
The term snitching ... Lol story is bs
Yes 70k stls on my 1 mil. Spy attack Am i naked? .. .. Wait ! ... Sells is and, zaft watched her take it like a champ And apoc beat that...
Op .... Just a honest question ? HAVE YOU SEEN SELLS LATELY ?????
Anyone know iF baba and sells went on vaction together
Youve for sure spent " real money"
8 inc from zaft in last 3 days and that was cr 80 in carnage.... So please explain how does zaft fight ? Internally...? ... Playing dead ?.....
Your a special kinda stupid bro! Check harbs wins on a daily basis hes barely active.... But his banner says "love this" go figure. BTW HAPPY...
Op is special kinda stupid
This moron is why i support contraception
Well first prevention would be a solid amount of sdp ( yours were gone in 5 mins) guess u were exempt from pot reqs