Separate names with a comma.
Yep change war times, and the matches suck and not enough ppl are into(ee) those timezones as TESTED BEFORE NO SUPPORT
Re: Nomad Arrow Leaderboards Take my name off this thread you do not have disclosure, consent from me they are making fun of me now
No support op you were inactive in a recent war NO RESPECT
Wolfie-- your running your mouth with a inactive spell and talking to ppl that war alot --- simmer down child
No support to any post by the troll cuz thats what he does
Rip dont just not spend money u should reset SHOW THEM HOW MAD U ARE
Oh and your probbly ass hurt sh not very effective now too right if unhappy delete the dam app download party in my dorm
Support SE
Yeah well you do a hell of alot flapping them gums your ass dont need to on every thread in kaw --- especially one meant as a cf to kotfe FLAP...
Val no need for you to troll every thread
Increase from 1 a yr to too woo ******* hoo --
Spil u on all these war threads and barely war what a groupiestop jocking bro