Separate names with a comma.
Harbingers of Judgment
I'm gonna run some test to see what I can come up with, thanks for the suggestion -GHOST-
@ metal - if I were you I would stay an hansel build with guilds. Don't worry if your stats look low. This is my experience: I got an iPod account...
Pretty good job. If you can edit formulas in column D the 101.5 to 101.5809 you will be right on target.
Looks more like a backyard than the highlands.
I got mix feeling about your opening post. At first, I thought it was an open discussion on how each player use their alt. then, reading more, it...
I support that idea. it's kind of preliminary round for individual qualifications.
2 aquas* sorry.
@ kaw_admin - In regards to the rewards "* all participants of a round will receive: 7 infernos, 3 aquas and 20 mithrils." I think this is too...
Looking forward to it.
Maybe I should do my own thread about this question , since it's more a request for opinions. Would it work to make a war clan where the battle...
Size doesn't matter, it's the player that's behind the button that does. Noob can stay a noob at any size.
What's ghost post?
Probably still out there, but most must have just gone inactive.
Nob = nobility point
Stable build is the ultimate build, just ask spragga.
I don't believe so, any updates from kaw_admin would under the news section of forums.
Mmm interesting... No clan has accepted the challenge, however it looks like couple of clanless kingdoms are looking to join a fight.
When do you plan to war? I can join one of the rosters depending on the date, and war duration.