Separate names with a comma.
I have a question about the ATA ID. I have 4 idevices, 2 iPhones 4g, 1 old iPhone on wifi only and 1 iPad on wifi. On my main I signed up for the...
@cr - blue ones appear when miths are activated.
The pm could have work both way, it's not uncommon to pm enemies and befriend them just in order to figure out their on and off times. Either...
@op, my bad you are correct.
OP @ I can't make an opinion until you move the 4th picture in page 9 into the original post and arrange them in chronological order. Although I...
What happened to the WC Trivia's? is it still happening?
In my opinion, if the tower build mechanics is to remain the way it is, we're gonna see clans full of tower builds and pure spy accounts to war...
Not really a success for a volley, 20 minutes later you still worth 16,528. Try WC it's definitely the way to go.
When you reset you lose all your gold in the first place. why would the devs give you the option to spend it before you lose it? You really didn't...
@ i_love_kaw, that might have been true before, but with the new war mechanic, you want to avoid been knocked out, and can't fight from pin....
Has anyone done a guide on build strategies according to the new war mechanics? I am curious to know if defense towers are now a good option.
There's another thread from the same OP within the top of the section "Best of", it's also worth checking for newer players wondering where the...
Where is your accent from?
I just noticed an interesting fact. Your regen time resets to the moment you use a xtal. Can anyone confirm that or am I just imaging it?
What are the bronze bar properties? is it just for banking gold away or does it have any other attributes?
Re: 2012 All Star War - Results Thanks for the reward kaw_admin for the rewards although distributed quite arbitrary. Being called a fallen...
Some names come with an * and (1), does that mean they change their names?
Re: 2012 All Star War - Results @ kaw_admin - It would be great if the history shows more than successful actions and plunders. I'd like to also...
I know Val, but for a moment I couldn't find the clan because of the missing e. I wasn't correcting you, I was correcting myself.
Judgement* not judgment, So here it is again Harbingers of Judgement