Separate names with a comma.
% is much higher compared to previous so testing it wouldn't be recommended and the disadvantages would outweigh the benefits
then why did you destroy them?
the build adjustment is for those who changed builds to use the tower exploit. It gives them an opportunity (temporarily) to get back compensation...
Your choice to destroy buildings to jump on the hax wagon was a risk you took assuming ATA was not going to look into it. Also, changes can't...
No shiny item , no sw
58 rings total
Yes, dr pinky. There was a point that needed to be made to everyone who predicted otherwise.
Trolls and fun farms ..
And I dropped all my sdp too. it was the first time I had no sdp ever since there was sdp. This was a requirement as crashes / glitches happen .....
Lol ,, cheat what? You weren't in war so what do you know nub? And lol@nubs whining about 'turtle wars' Morons, do you think there's any other...
Snr: "I'll leave the thread" and then an hour later...pitiful
I'd drink turpentine before even considering that.
Dammit just barfed my lunch.
Trouble , yes horrible dream indeed. The roster list leaking before war is a no no.
LOL snr, I knew you would check the thread after officially leaving it. pathetic.
Actually, it's just that you look like an ignorant idiot for bashing sw in response to people who've criticized sw ever since they were added into...
Well 'turtle wars' existed as far back as the sw itself. Which was mid 2010.
You did great, tickles. Those items are deserved.
Oops my bad. We really shouldn't have done that.
Over 2.5b. Perhaps you need to check again.