Separate names with a comma.
For a limited time, we'll have a special weekend-long... [IMG] Offerwall SALE We've collaborated with Tapjoy to bring you a 2x Offerwall Sale:...
For a limited time, 24 HOURS ONLY to be exact, we're having a... [IMG] Offerwall SALE We've collaborated with Tapjoy to bring you a 2x Offerwall...
[IMG] đź‘‘
Announcing... The New & Improved Offerwall! [IMG] Noble warriors of KAW! We have heard your concerns and we have made some changes. We greatly...
How strange 🤔 The more info link is working when I test. Feel free to open a Help ticket MOMudd3 so we can investigate further. Also, thanks for...
Feel free to open a Help ticket with us so we can dive into this a bit more with you. Thanks Devin!
For a limited time, we'll have some special weekend deals for you starting with an... Offerwall SALE [IMG] We've collaborated with Fyber to bring...
[IMG] We will be performing scheduled server maintenance: Thursday night, November 12th beginning at approximately 8 PM Pacific Time. This...
We are aware of the issue players had with winning teams disbanding and are working on it! Please do not join another clan if you were part of a...
We've calculated the results...and this time the win goes to the scholars. However, we want to thank everyone who participated for their valiant...
Thanks Thrawn! This little "Godspeed" message is meant for when the event begins on the 25th @ 2:00PM PST - so you have 24 hours starting on that...
[IMG] [IMG] Welcome to Realm v Realm During RvR, players will be able to hop to their rival realm to cause some damage before heading home to...
If you're not receiving rewards daily or think you're in the wrong realm, please go to the Extras menu and the Invite Referral Section and enter...
Due to an epic but unexpectedly high level of engagement across both realms, we will have to distribute rewards daily instead of hourly from today...
SsSs, as with any event, we're happy to discuss once they're ready and genuinely enjoy reviewing your feedback for the future of KAW. However,...
This is more one final chance to get the Throne of Heckfire and Goblin Corpse which is why they're included with other items at certain tiers for...
We've made plenty of updates to Heckfire since then ;)
We never said we wanted to close anything. We're trying to open the competition up more. Also, just because this event is happening doesn't mean...