Separate names with a comma.
idk... if he lives ur romance could develop (and every good book needs atleast a little romance!) if he dies it will be all dramatic and sad and...
u should name ur second book Guilt cuz guilt is the opposite of innocence!
lol At first i was gonna call ti The Dolls and then i thought "nah the dolls rnt very important" u know wat? i just gonna keep it Darkness...
i was gonna do that >.< lol w/e i bust with Darkness Ascending anyway and also pls suggest a new title cuz Darkness Ascending is only temporary...
lol thx! and im worried i cant keep up the awesomeness :oops: but i will try my best! :ugeek: :mrgreen:
may i be an editor? i'm pretty sure i meet the requirements
*opens mouth as if i am about to say something, then closes* *is speechless* *isnt speechless anymore* Y DID U MAKE HIM...
lol i know not all r u r just one of the boys that r :P
lol boys r so stupid they have no appreciation for good literature! the second they hear "blood" or something they r interested :roll:
lol thx and wen i nto thinking of random stuff like that i have writer's block like i think of the middle but not beggining or end or end but not...
thanx! to tell u the truth idk where its going lol i just improvising whenever i have a random idea and inspiration i put it in for example,...
lol sure i'll read it eventually if i have time lol
Re: The Story Index Title: Darkness Ascending (might change title) Author:The Quen of Awesomeness!!! (aka regran57) viewtopic.php?f=12&t=38015
months? o.O
lol there r over 100 posts i cant read them all! >.<
if u end it in the middle of the battle... I WILL CUT OFF YOUR THUMBS AND GIVE THEM TO KEIR!! cuz that would leave us hanging! I HATE BEING LEFT...
=O i'm speechless. your story is amazing Irin!!!!! i read the new post (cuz i too lazy to read the entire thing lol) and it was amazing!!!!!
[img][img][img][img] :twisted: