Separate names with a comma.
Doesn't make sense to make that comparison, ATA doesn't handle their purchase glitches like that.
This isn't what a Llama looks like =|
I will go with a Llama.
You can delink one account to log into another account multiple times a day. The amount of times you can is dynamic. As long as you don't do it...
How will you guys be able to figure out if someone is using more than one account? Only through player reports?
How the hell can a dog wear armor?
What about women who can't get pregnant or give birth due to whatever medical condition they have? Guess they must be men now.
That would make sense so I doubt that will happen.
Question about that legend, isn't there another side legend after the completion of the "use 5 crystals" one? I haven't received a notification...
It's the correct reward.
When forums were active off topics like this would pop up every now and then and were pretty busy. There's no rule against posting on this subject.
The YouTube series is decent. I'd recommend any fan of the Ralph Macchio Karate Kid movies watch it.
What happens if we complete the offer within the timeframe that you provided but don't received the nobs from fyber within that time? Do we lose...
Since we're not getting a real promo would be too much to ask to have some glitches fixed or have some updates made that we've been asking for?
They're really not addressing that problem? Geez...
If he asks me to hit him is it still an attack?
Is the (n/m) in the thread title because you've misspelled Family in your clan name?
I wish ATA would create a video Advertisement for KaW like they have for Adventures of Blockboy aka Kingdoms of Heckfire.