Separate names with a comma.
Lol rip
What's funny is that the American people are the ones who voted for those top two candidates and now we're in this situation of choosing the...
Don't hate them lol just dislike the ones that spam (meaning abuse of their unlimited speakers) wc and act all pompous and uppity about the fact...
Also people giving cobra crap for this thread (I'm looking at you mods) need to cut it out. Yea this info regarding which bar to hit and which...
Idea: put which bar the pots are used in under which phase they're in. So people know which bar to hit with the pots.
So r00d >:^(
Shut it scrap
Dumb idea unfortunately. Too much room to abuse and would only make the gap between lb and small accounts even bigger.
Kaw feedback: "Thank you we'll look into that" "Please email us at thethinkingape......"
Which thread?
Wow talk about reviving old threads. This was a few months before I downloaded the game in 2010
Then what makes that different than crux chests?
What if the drop rates varied based upon the size of the kingdom's build?
Thanks, I thought the idea might've been brought up before so I'm glad to hear I'm not just repeating someone.
Okay so it's probably completely ridiculous but what if we had something that dropped in ebs etc like Crux Chests, but instead it was a cool...
Awe don't be mean GT
Divide it up so its easier to read, otherwise it just looks like a white wall of text.
Shut up scrap >:^(