Separate names with a comma.
Re: "Free Nobs" Tab in Oracle Lmfao
Why are mods locking necrobumped threads? Many good threads (a lot yesterday) were locked because of necrobumping. Instead of locking these great...
Mine work lol
Re: banner of requisition Can we just have a way to get rid of our old equipment for gold or be able to disenchant our old equip to get like a...
If Hillary can't even satisfy her husband how can we expect her to satisfy our country?
Ah yes cf threads are back all we need now is the silence notification in wc
Random drops from any eb. But I've seen it drop from haunt. The longer the eb lasts to more likely a compass will drop
Dang this is old but thanks Sean
This really shouldn't just be directed towards "hurting teens." Depression affects people of all ages. Also describing the stereotypical...
Well... That was morbid
Drugs are gay. That's all I have to say thank you and have a good night
You've triggered me
Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔ Not gonna lie this is my kaw bible for eb's
Oh clumsy you ol chap
What was the point of this? Honestly? Was it just to embarrass him?
I'd have to say I agree. Also Obama is a coward and it's pathetic that he's our president two terms in a row.
Same ;-; what color?
If you feel that you've been wrongfully silenced contact and email the devs at