Separate names with a comma.
Then how could it be "Chaos" and yes you risk loss to achieve gain of course. No free rides
Its a test war. Depending on how it goes will determine when next one will happen. Be aware this is a new thing. No crying if it doesnt meet up...
It is confirmed that you do not lose edge by leaving clans yet. This may change in the future but for now you are safe to go off visiting.
Less KAW and more STUDY. OP needs to look up the first amendment and read it a few times because he obviously has no idea what "Freedom of...
And while we are at it lets tell the armies of the world to stop using gunpowder and go back to using swords and axes like old school. Those who...
I suspect the original post was a typo unless the devs have moved the war time for week #2 1 hour later than it has been the whole season....
Asking Devs about war #2 because they posted a start time different than it should be.
This is the last week. 15 wars left in the season 60 points still available.
Times for wars 10 and 11 corrected. PST had wrong times.
I'd give credit for the original base if I could remember where it was I found it.
Re: Week 8 War Times No the fact that we still use an antiquated and unnecessary system like daylight savings time in the 21st century is what...
The following is formatted as best I could for clan info viewing on device and on PC. The times have been corrected for Week 8 I put it in...
If you like please send feedback mentioning your support for whichever ideas you like and why. Please send only unique messages. DO NOT SPAM...
So far no bronze bars have been seen to drop from this epic battle.
Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage [img][img][img][img][img]...
SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Rare Equipment Drop: [img][img] [img][img]
SPECIAL ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION Common (quantity received is based on activity): [img] [img]
CLAN COMPLETION BONUS UNLOCKED When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the Joarthe the Silver Clan Achievement to...
[img] First: Scout Ice Shield to 0 Second: Attack Glacial Armor to 0 Third: Scout Subzero Blast to 0%Regenerates 100% every 50 minutes. Third:...