Separate names with a comma.
And lol Candi.
I semi know.... Nope. Never mind. But Cheese has my acquaintance, as have a lot of you.
No, everyday public high school. We do get out May 29th. And it is California, so ya know. Systems are messed up here
Monday is school for me. Anddd, KaWniversary is in.... 2 weeks
10 mins late.... Happy birthday!!!!
Plague Inc. is pissing me off. (No advertising here, just saying) I'm trying to beat Necroa virus on brutal and z-com just will not give up. Why...
Yes. Yes you did.
Lol. Time flies. I would never have gotten that. And wow Candi. Wow.
Steve Jobs died. With him, the morals of Apple did as well.
*cough cough* Jade can't kill the mayor. What? Oh yeah. I'm getting an iPod5 with my own money on Black Friday. Ka ching.
Ehm, excuse me. But you have just necro bumped. If a mod ever looks at this section ever again you'll probably be forum banned. Have a nice day.
What. Went. On. While. I. Was. Gone. I was gone for 3 days and I come back reading about Troll Nipples, whatever this Waygu is. (It sounds...
That's amazing. I heard about the hand thing but never really got into it. In going to though now
o.o Yes. I wish to be Phoenix's apprentice. And no Bander kiss for me :P
2 min drop in my mile time. And oh I've always wanted to lucid dream so frikkin bad
Yeah. I suck at running... I used to get 10 min miles. And yeah, dem premonitions. Interesting. Mine are useless and weird.
Bleh maybe fun facts about me. I have horrible eyesight and I couldn't put contacts in till about two months ago. I tried to do karate when I...
Either way it'll be amazing. Just write something
I'm between you two, 9+1/2. But my cousin has size 12 feet and he's my age and a little bigger than me.
I'm not trying to make this about gay rights, I'm just saying that if the religion firmly believes (or whatever) against gay marriage, then the...