Separate names with a comma.
If it's so bad move to another country and poke Korea a few more times and watch the nuclear fireworks.
The circle one and the new free ones. The free ones aren't amazing but HTE benefited everybody the developers would be better off selling...
Add a few levels enchanted by mith to all eb equipment (not event equipment) so those with silly amounts of mith stockpiled can use it effectively...
Also you wanted to know what people have been getting from the event boxes, I've gotten cruxes (normal) mostly and event items are the second most...
I've never seen the 2000 nobility deal. People told me about it and I just assumed up until now they were ******* with me.
If you're big enough to finish HTE with three or so accounts you need to start moving up the EB chain. HTE isn't for the bigger builds, it's for...
There's actually a site where you can get any game for free. It's not legal obviously but it's great for nostalgia or trialing games. Google Skidrow.
To stay in a one week HTE clan (the good/fast ones are a four or five day stay only which is more expensive) it's pretty cheap so long as you have...
Bumpy bump bump
Check the port on the actual Xbox that the power cable goes into as well, and make sure the thing isn't dusty on the inside of the case. If it's...
If you're sure the problem isn't the cables, it's inside the case of the Xbox. That, or the end of the cable has been damaged. Check the end that...
No one is a slave you mop. People do things of their own free will. Stop with the ridiculous and disturbing threads.
Doubt he meant 10k every three days 365 days a year for four years. More like every now and then or in OSW. And 37.5 bars a day is totally...
I'm genuinely interested as to why this guy hasn't been banned from the forum yet.
You really fit ten thousand hits into two or three days? Also the pvp gold does not need to go up as using pots to get through is because you have...
For **** sakes get BACK in your straight jacket.