Separate names with a comma.
haha i hadnt even thought of big clans ganging eachother for shards instead of gold, thats great. good to know, and nice to see you again mal.
saw it. pretty meh. movie 6.5/10. has jlaw, made it worth watching for me. ;)
do people lose them from assassa?
Dumb, but expected. Please fix bl to only show people opted in?
Op isn't -deadly-
Do you want to make people mad? Cuz this is how you make people mad
No one actually speaks like that. Not even 12 year olds playing cod think that much overuse of intentional "MLG" misspellings and slang is cool.
1/10 troll attempt.
I actually lol'd at the guy before me.
allies are over rated. who needs them anyways? IMO, (mind you i dont know best at all) equip is so strong that it makes bfe worth a lot less....
the top players would bot, account share, or not sleep for anything longer than a couple hours with trusted friends assassa pinning them. sad but...
This is fantastic. send it to the devs.
This event is fantastic, thank you devs. I was completely inactive for months, logged in to find this and it's good enough to get me back into the...
Il keep my farm to my self, thanks :C
Threads like this make me realize how prevalent denial and cognitive dissonance are about politics. There are two sides, look at them. There is...
Wolfie I don't think you get it. I believe he shot one person? If that were an AR-15 with an extended mag how many do you think it would be?...
I died a little inside reading TX-bacons post on the first page.
This is great devs, good job!
I don't see this taking off like it did in FC.
It's not dry. Leave the cap open for a while and a it will. :roll: