Separate names with a comma.
Too bad there isn't anything to disguise your posts. :(
Congratulations I guess? I'm not sure of the proper forum etiquette for attention whores these days, so please forgive me. :?
I'm going to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand. Little known fact, but threads like this cause cancer. #preventativelocking...
Whether he is or isn't is of no concern of yours and not a topic of discussion. Let's discuss how your foruming still hasn't improved.
Another ban on this account for spam? Sweet. I'm looking forward to it. :)
Chubby nailed it.
As far as chests go, I'd still like to see chest timers paused between ebs or whenever you're not actively in a clan with an eb running. Sure some...
And just so you know, there won't be a week four of the script-posting, or a week five, and so on if you can't post. :evil:
A clan is just a name. Make another one and call it something similar. The loyal members will return and you'll be right back where you were...
^ Locked one already. Not sure why this is still open, but again, if we wanted to read the script to a movie we'd google it ourselves. Thanks. :)
Winner winner chicken dinner. If we were voting, Kronos would get mine. Legit made me LOL.
Thanks, but if we wanted the script to Shrek we would google it ourselves.
The huge unnecessary spacer makes you a noob alone.
Sounds like she's better off.
Support. Although to be fair to everyone, I'd prefer to see a no xtal rule myself.
"Eb warrior". Quite the oxymoron you have there.
No more energy than it takes you to log in and play, or perhaps post a reply on a thread in the forum. I suppose the same thing can be said about...
The trouble with becoming an admin in an hte clan is that you're suddenly expected to drop seals. I accepted an admin spot at an hte clan once...
Who would be the closest aside from the actual FOX News?