Separate names with a comma.
Considering the correct spelling of part of your clan name is a filtered word, that means it contained a bypass. Hence the name change. Question...
Players were banned for this and you're even afraid of posting with your main because you might get a forum ban. Brilliant That's all KaW...
I have to disagree. The 5% at the top are there because they chose to be. No one forced them to spend a ton of money in a vain attempt at becoming...
Why not? They did it on Smash, they can do it on KaW. After their Smash revamp I received the equivalent of almost $4,000 in Element X, (which is...
You should clean it up, it would appear there's a dead gorilla in it.
No, I love it. Sometimes I pretend it's talking to nobody but me and that someday, we're going to run off and get married.
When HtE is being completed in literally 60 seconds, I'd say it definitely needs an overhaul. The idea was that at $6 a seal HtE would benefit the...
You could have easily asked her on her wall, there was no need to bump a long dead thread.
I thought this whole thing sounded a bit too familiar. If it's the same girl as it was here, then there really isn't any point in posting here...