Separate names with a comma.
How's wanting cheating to be dealt with not on topic? I'm sure I speak for the majority when I put it at the top of the wish list. Emailing...
They are obviously working..on deleting posts they don't like lol
still waiting for that yes or no answer..
Love how my posts got deleted..shocker Simple question Mark, 'yes' or 'no' answer typa thing: will this now wide spread cheating I (and others)...
Am I the only one who feels like devs are mocking us? If they actually read what we say I don't think they'll be posting lame gifs. Subjects...
More of those threads out there - less attention devs pay to them
That was implemented on purpose to stop the hiring bots..for some reason I think it doesn't stop anything, just slows it down lol
And who is butthurt now?calling everyone names is a very definitive sign of such in case you did t know Well, this was fun, now back on...
It's true, why I don't ski
hob·by1 ˈhäbē/ noun an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure. Yeah looks like psychotic behavior seems more and more...
Evidently lmao What it keeps saying makes me feel more and more pity for it. Maybe it is an addiction for some, but if u feel that way it doesn't...
The fact that this alt doesn't know any different is good enough to safely assume its one of the people it speaks of. Im sorry you don't have a...
Here's another number to think about: there's only about 300 bc accounts in kaw right now. And things like gold/event drops, eq, all kinds of...
It's been said before, kaw isn't about graphics or much of a certain skill. It will never be able to complete as such with other games available...
It won't stop it, unless kaw allows pics/vm/vid sharing which won't happen.
As of my wish list.. - xtal timer - Kaw world clock - Better quest rewards for small players and harder quests with good rewards for mids -...
Get rid of ally hiding spell (if sssso necessary) only AFTER ally kaw store website is closed down! After it's owner is banned. It's not even the...
When Charlie asked to discuss he was simply buying time. There's plenty of known issues to fix - as you can see on active topics page lol we've...
Devs too busy fixing known issues*