Separate names with a comma.
Reg glared at cheese. NOBODY was posting feedback on Darkness Ascending, and she was cranky.
But i gave him cheezeburger and evwrything
So i guess thats a no...?
Lol Benny xD
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread Not fail face 8-)
Re: KaW Fan Fiction Superthread Ya im right 8-) Fail face? Lol i forgot code xD
Also dvo has a strike. And u have a strike, feather! Lol
Its weird that ur story is so much like my theory xD lol Its a rly cool story!
Actually thts pretty much my theory of wat happens after u die... Lol
Awesome o:
Nobody reading it :'(
Btw can u look atmy story too? I updated it a few dats ago and now the prologue is completely differen and i changed chapter1
Its so long D: i only read a few chapters. I'll read the rest later lol Its rly interesting but a little confusing. I think confusing stories r...
Can i be a fanfic guardian?
*then bribes benny with cheezevurger (>^_^)>*
Out THX KARL DEAR BENNY, *repeats wat Karl said and adds "pretty please with cherries on top"* Sincerely, Reggy In
I think 3 since he pisted a ton of times on my story In