Separate names with a comma.
Unlike dead over there I can understand what you're saying but howeer I disagree with what you are saying and I would refer you to my last post...
It appears I forgot a "so" in there but the just of it makes sense and if you are too dull to understand it, then that is not my problem but it is...
Prokiller why don't you just join New Age if you're gonna talk so big about how bad we are a show good na is why don't you find out for yourself...
Why don't they just do some advertising and bring in more new players than they are now? And do something about the artwork on the App Store if...
Why don't you go get some better equip instead of complaining about ally purchasing? Like you complain about it but you're still hitting hte. Why...
I feel like a little advertising couldn't hurt either.. I mean I can think of several other apps that advertise and their player base just keeps...
Off topic ^
And what do you do except hit hte all day? Nothing, the answer is nothing.
Lol I came I to the war like this dumbass and I don't think I'm quite naked as I still have an ally and more sdp now than When we started
I don't think you guys realize how boring this war is with you guys is. All it is, is attacking Hansels that never return fire (except for two...
Halving the duration was just stupid lol all other events seem to last forever and the only one worth while is only a week long. What a joke
This sounds a lot like the need for speed games lol
Nice addition lol
No sir you are the joke
Oh and I'm not stupid I went ahead banked it all. I'll just have to start again lol you got up to 450b this time
Oh just shut the hell up I've been at max pots with plenty of gold just sitting out in fact I was saving up to see how much I could get before I...
You guys are all complaint about how you warred so hard by tapping buttons fail to realize that I order to buy this equipment the person who can...
To put that in perspective my TS (total stats) are 569 mil and equipment and BFA account into that so the equipment would have to be larger than...
Equipment stats are not like CS you would have to break down the actual stats of each team (you can find yours on your own profile I don't know if...
Then leave? Lol