BLACK FRIDAY: The Dawn of the Blodfolc

Discussion in 'Events' started by [ATA]Appa, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. The Dawn of the Blodfolc


    A horrifying battle is unfolding before your eyes! An army of vampires marches under the sun to claim the crown for themselves...

    You find yourself flung 2000 years into the past, before the Blodfolc of old were cursed with their weakness to the sun. You know only what the tales say of this legendary battle...but all is not as it should be. Someone has attempted to alter the past and hand victory to the Blodfolc!

    You must race to restore the course of history before the vampires claim victory and erase your kingdom's future from existence!

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed.

    This event will be available from Thursday, November 26th until Wednesday, December 9th at noon PT.

    Clan event




    Q: Why does my legend progress sometimes decrease?
    A: Hitting the clan hall gives you legend progress equal to the amount of collection items your clan has. If people have left your clan, there is a chance this number will go down.

    Q: Why does my legend progress look different from my clanmates' progress?
    A: You can gain up to 100x of your personal collection count! For example, you must have personally collected at least 1k items in order to hit the 100k legend, even if your clan total is over 100k.

    Q: What if I want to leave my clan to go war?
    A: No worries! Leaving to go war will not reset your length of stay duration as long as you return to the same clan after your war is over.

    Q: Can I still get rewards if I change clans?
    A: You can gain rewards from the main collection legend no matter what clan you're in. However you will not be able to get the leaderboard rewards unless you are in that clan at the end of the event.

    Q: How will we know if the drop boost has been applied?
    A: If you are eligible for a drop boost for staying in your clan, ClanHall will tell you when you hit it. The first boost will apply after 1 day.

    Event items


    Event Purchase Bonuses

    Certain purchases of NB and health crystals will come with a special box! They will be given out as follows:
    • 50 NB or 6 health crystals: Slayer's Guild Box for yourself
    • 200 NB or 32 health crystals: Slayer's Guild Box for yourself and your clan
    • 765 NB or 168 health crystals: Royal Slayer's Guild Box for yourself and your clan
    If you or someone in your clan has purchased one of the above, an announcement will be made in clan chat and the box can be found in your rewards inbox. Please note that you have 24 hours to claim it otherwise it will expire!
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Slayer's Guild Box and Royal Slayer's Guild Box

    Exclusive Furnishings

    There are two sets of furniture for this event!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bloddrihten Furnishings have a chance to drop from St. Siegward Box and Royal St. Siegward Box. You can also purchase the furnishings directly from the store for Nobility Points.


    Daegdreor Furnishings have a chance to drop from Slayer's Guild Box and Royal Slayer's Guild Box.

    Note: You can only earn the Daegdreor Furnishings Pet by competing with other kingdoms on the Leaderboard - it is not included in the boxes

    New Epic Battles


    The Blood Golems must be defeated once more! This temporary EB series "Return of the Maluscor" comes in 5 levels, each level harder than the last. This EB series will be available for a limited time, from November 26th Noon Pacific until December 1st Noon Pacific. To access these Epic Battles your clan will need Drums of the Bloodless that you can purchase for 25 Nobility Points. Each difficulty will require different number of Drums to open.


    Regular - 4 Drums
    Crushing - 6 Drums
    Fiendish - 8 Drums
    Murderous - 10 Drums
    Diabolical - 12 Drums

    BONUS! There is a chance for Bloddrihten Box and Daegdreor Box to drop from this EB series! These boxes contain furnishing from the Bloddrihten and Daegdreor Sets respectively. You can open Bloddrihten and Daegdreor boxes with a palace furnishings key that costs 15 Nobility Points.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Black Friday: Deals and Promos

    You can check out the details about the Black Friday Deals and Promos in its own thread (below)!

    Deal and Promo details HERE

    #1 [ATA]Appa, Nov 26, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2020
    [ATA]Queens likes this.
  2. šŸ‘€
  3. Wow another crappy clan event.
  4. Another clan event? This is bull šŸ’©
  5. Did you miss all the people saying the clan event was a failure? Most of KaW wants clan events. The way you have it set up now is crap though.
  6. Nice to see the new company know how to copy n paste! Same old same ! Would be better if a new broom swept clean
  7. Wasn't we asking for a clan event? I have no words for the idiots in this game.
    SemoreBalIs and littlekitty1 like this.
  8. Well, thereā€™s good clan events and bad. This one, like many in the past is rubbish. Itā€™s not the easiest thing to work out I do get that. But Iā€™d get sacked from my job (which does involve creating stuff and having ideas) if I kept serving up the same old trash.
  9. Imo I want a clan event thatā€™s solely pvp based. Bring back kawā€™s roots.
  10. This event is so stupid who thinks of this crazy really guys? I can't believe this game has gone to the dogs!!!!
  11. I totally agree it is bs
    ANASTASIS, SemoreBalIs and Sly like this.
  12. Yeah already said my peace about the last clan event, these need a major revamp! Anyways, seems like no good to complain.

    ā¤šŸ¦ƒHappy Thanksgiving USAā¤šŸ¦ƒ
  13. * pieceā˜ŗļø
  14. The problem is this format still ultimately benefits hoppers best and punishes small clans. Thereā€™s no reason to stay in one clan with how the rewards are set up.
    Sihaya and Stacy_P like this.
  15. Exactly!!
    Sihaya likes this.
  16. Got me! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø see the problem is, you can't fix typos in this forum. Hopefully, everyone understands what I meant. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
  17. Honestly I think the clan event is fine. Maybe thatā€™s because Iā€™m in a big and active clan but it is a good mix up from b2b solo events.
  18. Imagine you were in a small clan, tapping away knowing the event was pretty pointless! Smalls need to grow more than the bigs, if the smalls stopped playing half of kaw would be gone! Don't just think about yourself !
    Sihaya and LMABAO like this.
  19. Spend real money!!!
    The Pandemic will go away!!
    Trust KaW and spend your money from unemployment on a game!!!
  20. Near the end of the event. This format still sucks. Especially for small clans. Please go back individual format until this can be beneficial to everyone.