Obsolete Ebs/Drops

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by lIIl_ollie_ollie_oxen_freeIlIl, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Took our (full) clan EIGHT HOURS to complete Wasteland Wilds and we got 3 stinger rings. PLEASE UPGRADE your ebs. Total crap drops. May as well been NOTHING and many need the sunflare bracers. Sorry, but I'm pissed. EIGHT hours for nothing!

    Plus, your ticket system been down forever. Only get "Invalid Session" every time. WTH, ATA?
  2. Recruit bigger players, complete more within 8 hours. Seems like a simple fix on your clans part
    TRINITYBL00D likes this.
  3. These EBs are kinda.. "outdated". People are mostly going for NOTH/GOTH/LOTL at the moment, with it dropping the most event items, crestplates for new lands, etc etc.

    However, if that is a struggle & unable to complete, for any EBs, then you should drop down to something different, like "The Haunting" / "Battle Royal" rotation etc.
  4. Great question about the ticket system. Ive been getting invalid session for months now. Hello developers??
  5. Are you on an android device? - Its been notified about, but if you copy the text, restart kaw (force close & open again) and try submitting the ticket again (checking first the ticket hasnt been made), you should be good to go.
  6. Ah yes the ticket system! Broken you say! Was it ever not broken or a waste of time? Ask a question get a copy n paste reply! Want to know something same again! The system is broke because no one cares enough to reply so save yourself the time and just don't bother
    Yuusei likes this.

  7. No one is looking to do those types of EBs unless they’re a BR. Not so simple.