owo whats this CHARACTER BREAKING MATERIAL You heard it here first, Salty breaks character when flustered @Valk I'm confused, was roni in the shower with you?
Lol only one osw and you are a late comer into that osw i was in it that osw from february 2015.And illuminati was only open for a few months and closed.No wonder you are so jealous of me .You are a osw baby and newbie lol one osw .Dont ever again try lecture me when all that you have done is one osw .And typhoid quit with your lies you embarress yourself with the constant lies .
Ill tel u what hapened kasama u noob 1.- Valky was lurkin on wc with his alt. 2.- roni showed up an sed rogue=valky( this is tokin crap acording to valky) 3.- valky risponded imediately (agen, with his alt) 4.- valky denied he was lurkin(that implies hes on 24/7 thus rottin on kaw) 5.- denied he risponded (probed otherwise with his own ss in his other thred) an eben edited such ss to leabe out his risponse to roni tryed to claim hed bin tiped of by someone
*eye roll* no one cares anymore. He said she said or whatever. I come to forums for real conversations, ideas, help/helping, or forum surrenders. Thought this would have been ideas for game but found more of the same old crying. Get over yourselves and move on.
“I even posted a screenshot that shows my response (hence "incriminating myself").” Nah. U posted EDITED ss wich left out ur imediate risponse. “As for cropping the screenshot, I posted the original on my original thread and thought I'd crop it a bit second time round”. So u cud fool ppl into thinkin u wore not actibe. Olso, “original thread”? So u created 2 threds for same purpos Ur cryes for atention r jost lame “Why you ask? Because when I posted it the first time, Roni/Yourself missed the point of the screenshot and got stuck on my alts response.” Yeah cuz shes bin telin u ur rotin in kaw an ur in denial “So in an effort to get you to see Roni's WC trash talk I cropped it to better suit your attention span.” I think ur tho one with a atention espan issue here. U forgot u had posted complete ss in ur other thred. “As for being tipped off about Roni's trash talking me, the other person in that pm can be seen in my screenshots in this thread. “ Yeah, u act as if u wore alerted by some one about roni tokin to u. An u included that chat to probe u wore not on. Yet as proben by wc ss u WORE there. U shud not habe provided the edited ss valky. If u hadnt don so we prolly neber had non u wore ther an belibe u wore tiped of. Now we no ur rottin in kaw tendin to the bonch of useles alts. Ur a lyer cryin for atention. U desperately nid roni an i to kip u afloat. Lame Be original valky. Rite now ur jost a lame an a dork cryin for atention
An olso, idk what u min by braking character. So if i post anythin, it can b considered braking character?
“My edit, as I've previously explained, was a cropped down version of a pic I already posted (as can be seen below)” Yes. U posted it ON ANOTHER THRED! Uratention espan is truly short dud
“So once again you've found a way to avoid my question of why Roni was trash talking me in wc when I wasn't present. Congratulations, I expected no less from a coward like you.” Im not aboidin anythin cuz ferst idc y roni was tokin about u. Secon roni only sed rogue was u. Thats trash tokin? An therd, as dimonstrated by ur own ss, u wore there.
“As for rotting on kaw, I know it's not true so of course I'll deny it, stupid” Its bin established ur on 24/7. Uve olso estated u got 7 alts wich u tend to so yeah. U rotin on kaw.
“Regarding attention span, jokes on you. The only reason I posted it again (cropped down to help you even more) “ Nah. U did it to hid the rest of wc posts cuz it showed u rispondin imediately to roni “is to hopefully get to you acknowledge and understand it, which at this point is looking like something that will never happen. I've seen a three legged rat with more focus than you” Ur the kind of ppl who eben if explained piece bi piece 1.- don get it 2.- ignore or pritend its not hapenin 3.- ripeat the isue that brot the explaining. At these point i wudnt b surprised if u bilive flat earth or r anti vax
“So I cropped an image that I already posted in an attempt to hide? “ U posted it IN ANOTHER THRED. I olredy sed these a few post bak. U see? U kip ripeatin estuff an don see what u rid. U posted it in another thred U posted it in another thred U posted it in another thred “How many times do I have to explain to you this. I posted the original uncropped unedited straight from the bloody photoroll picture so in what way was I hiding lmfao.” I olredy answer these. R u blind? For the las time... U posted uncroped, unedited estrait from photorol pic IN ANOTHER THRED! Here, u posted EDITED ss. U wil ripeat ol of it anyway uh? Nex up.... “How was i hidin if i had posted pic olredy?”