
Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Sayori, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. Hahah valk *insert beer cheers emoji here*
    My egg.
  2. Valkerie has changed HalyconDays screenname into the above.You are nothing more than a leech Valkerie trying to get fame from my name and saltyfeet's.You aint self sufficent, you have no history,you have noone ever talking about you ,you aint nothing except some jealous obsessed weirdo.
  3. “Roni waits until I'm offline before she cries about me in wc, she's so scared of me that she won't even talk directly to me anymore...”

    You wore on as shon in ss

    U posted that ss to make it look like u wore tiped off about roni “tokin trash” (she jost sed roge was reely u) but as wc ss shos u wore actibe with alt." style="max-width: 100%;" />" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  4. That account has lots of my comments still on it and saltyfeet's and XoXoX.
  5. Ladies, ladies, and whatever salty is, can't you just hug this out? Lol
  6. U WORE not ofline. I olredy showd u.y u insist?
  7. Lol I love derpy bats/rats. This image is perfect with me.
  8. So u wore ofline cuz u wore in the shower an at the same time online on ur alt rispondin to roni.
  9. >Gets out shower
    >Opens kaw
    >Sees Roni/Salty trash talking me

    Please tell me where I violated the laws of physics here.
  10. Yeah. We got them ss u kindly probided showin u wore on ur alt as proof
  11. That kinda made me giggle actually
  12. So ur not gonna deny ur alt anymor? 
  13. Salty. Bruv.
    Valk knows that ?he/she? has several alts. They've admitted to changing their names. That's not even an issue. Like, it literally doesn't even matter in the long run. Does it change anything? No. Y'all gotta meet in middle. You don't have to like each other, but you don't have to be like this about it lol
  14. Wow, perfect timin showin u wore not on. U get out of shower, open ap, see roni, type ur risponse mere fractions of a sec after. Lmao
  15. “And, who's this Halcyon account you speak of”
    U denied it
    Then u had to admit it was u 

    Then u make a list where u wore ofline but mobed at the espeed of light to answer to roni in wc lmao 
  16. Wait. Did she KNOW you were showering? Like, did you tell her? If so, that's a weird thing to tell your arch kawnemesis.
  17. I see. With so much emphasis placed on the showering, it seemed as if it played a bigger part in the story. Carry on. Lol
  18. Riiiite. So

    > wore in shower
    > checked ap
    > sorprisingly, roni was ther
    >risponded mere fractions of secons after

    That probes u wore not on with ur alt. Like, totaly.
    I min, the chances of u randomly findin roni tokin about u while u got of the shower an rispondin mere fractions of a sec after r like, oberwhelmin an esfuff.
  19. *Spoiler* this vegetarian beef is still going on!!
  20. Does she realise that most people she runs crying to about me or you send us the SS.. A number of different people have shown me her crying about my swindler badge and trying to accuse me of cheating :lol: it's glorious.